Cruise Ships: The Perfect Vacation or an Accident Waiting to Happen?

Cruises are advertised as the perfect all-inclusive family vacation – all the fun, all the food, all the time. Cruise ships are a floating paradise – right? As long as everything goes according to plan, cruises can be a great way to vacation. But keeping all those wonderful amenities going and looking out for the […]

A Former Royal Caribbean Employee Keeps Major Trial Victory Over Crushed Hand Case

In 2008, Lisa Spearman was working as a marketing and revenue manager onboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship, Voyager of the Seas, when she suffered a horrendous accident during a safety drill. Spearman saw a nurse who had just returned from shore during the safety drill manually override Bridge Control to open one of the […]

Injuries Occur On Cruise Ships – How Can You Hold Operators Accountable?

While the cruise industry may have taken a hit during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this is an industry that will undoubtedly return strong in the future with plenty of willing cruise ship passengers. Already, many people are planning cruise ship vacations for themselves and their families. However, what happens if you are injured actions of […]

More People Filing Lawsuits Against Cruise Lines Over Coronavirus

As the coronavirus pandemic has swept across the United States, we have watched as hospitals fill up with critically ill patients. It was not until March that the US began taking COVID-19 seriously, and some of the earliest cases in this country were on cruise ships. Now, more and more people are filing lawsuits against […]

Recent Cruise Ship Crash Highlights Dangers

Cruise ships are a way of life for many Floridians. Not only do we have millions of people depart on cruises from our state each year, but many of our residents work on these ships. Guests and workers alike should not have to worry about getting hurt on a cruise, but we know accidents happen. […]